Originally Posted by chrispedersen
I think both those nations are fine in strength.
I don't remember my usual LA - Ermor strat - I'd have to look it up - but by guess I would say the isuse isn't luck with la ermor, its order.
Since population is killed so rapidly, you benefit more from turmoil getting you luck events early, plus projected dominion.
With LA Ermor I usually take:
Turmoil-3 Sloth-3 Cold-3 Death-3 Luck-3 Magic-3 Dominion-10 Lich Queen or Rainbow Master Lich
I don't care about extra money because I pillage provinces to create corpses and get money that way. I don't need to hire or maintain troops, so very little upkeep, and my money is generally used to put up buildings, and the Luck events see to a good bit of that. The plague events create free corpses which is good because I can either Raven Feast them if I have air magic or raise them from the dead if I have priests nearby.
Before I would always take low dominion and then worry that my advancement wouldn't outpace by dominion spread and I was depending on Order to get money, but once I decided to just say "F! it" and go all balls on the nasty dominion, I was much happier, since it is both more thematic and interesting to play.
Mines always produce money, so you can jack the taxes up to 200% once all the people are dead (mining with ghouls ftw), "Mrrrhhhrhrhrrh!!!! Goooollld!!!", and pillaging expecially if you can get your hands on some Implementor Axes is really easy with Ermor--this in fact is the best use for crappy hordes of useless dead guys! They may suck at killing troops, but they sure don't suck against peasants! "Go ahead, eat dem brains, but make sure you dig through their pockets for spare change while your at it!"
I've never tried all-balls negative scales with MA Ermor, though... too much reliance on the Grand Thaumaturgs.