I made comments on points on the other forums.
I'm going to disagree with Dr. P in that I think Niefl should be banned, and think we should consider banning Sauromatia too, or at least fairly representing them point-wise. They're at least an 8.
I'm also not sure forge bonuses make a nation that much better - in a regular MP game you'd just whore out your forge bonus to gain more gems or other favors. MA Ulm, for example, is still worthless outside of its forge bonus, and will need to spend gems empowering to really get a lot out of it. Certainly MA Ulm should be worth less than EA Ulm, MA Caelum and LA Ulm since its strictly worse than all the other nations with a forge bonus.
Suggestion on picks by points: Tie breaking
In the event two teams want the same nation, the following tie breakers shall be applied in order:
1)the team which has used the fewest of its 10 points gets priority.
2) ???
(Teams which don't use all their points are most likely to get the nations they want. Teams which don't use really powerful nations are most likely to get the second nation they want).
Last edited by Squirrelloid; May 31st, 2010 at 09:50 AM..
Reason: Removed tie breaker 2 - it was meaningless