Originally Posted by rdonj
Off the top of my head...
Any nation with skinshifters (including giant nations).
MA R'lyeh.
Baalz shinuyama.
I could go on, but I think that's a good start  All of those should work with heavy sloth.
Yes, forgot MA R'lyeh, thanks. Monkeys were covered under my elephant hypothesis. Mictlan maybe, but they use strong bless, so would probably be better with either Order or Luck (better with Luck, I think), especially as they usually use massed sacreds, so high Dominion is also good. Yomi - maybe, as their oni troops are resources-light.
About Baalz "antsy" Shinuyama I'll just point out that it uses CBM feature which would probably be removed in time (namely Size 1 for units which are both stronger and tougher than normal humans). And their other troops aren't light in resources at all.