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Old June 2nd, 2010, 12:58 AM

Jagdpanther Jagdpanther is offline
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Default Dom3 Strange Startup Pause - Linux - utf8

On the same Linux PC that I have been playing Dominions 3 on for a couple of years, I just switched to using UTF-8 ( There only seems to be one anomaly on the system: when I start up Dominions 3, there is about a ten second pause where the screen freezes and is unresponsive to the mouse. After this pause Dominions 3 and everything else works again. I Notice the following lines show up in two logfiles:

==> Xorg.0.log <==
(WW) Jun 01 21:41:43 NVIDIA(0): WAIT (2, 7, 0x8000, 0x0000fb40, 0x0000179c)
(WW) Jun 01 21:41:50 NVIDIA(0): WAIT (1, 7, 0x8000, 0x0000fb40, 0x0000179c)
(WW) Jun 01 21:41:55 NVIDIA(0): WAIT (2, 7, 0x8000, 0x0000f970, 0x00001600)

==> messages <==
Jun  1 21:42:00 runner kernel: NVRM: Xid (0001:00): 8, Channel 00000001
Any ideas about the pause?
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