Originally Posted by Calahan
Lol, this is just lch posting some mis-leading info in order to try and provoke me into a rage, so that I then look like the sort of person who easily becomes angry, (which most women hate) thereby putting lch ahead in the race to woo our beloved Kest.
I'm sorry to disappoint you lch, but it won't work, as I am a picture of calm and tranquillity, and I refuse to fall into your clever trap.
A mass group of Bane Lord thugs with slave matrixes all being buffed to uber status by a retreating Communion Master is a nice thought, but to be part of a communion you need a magic path. Except in rare cases such as Pythium Theurgs.
Ah, yes, I think that the thread that I was referring to used Theurgs for this "communion slave wall" tactic instead. I tried searching for it, but I didn't find it. Sorry for the misinformation! My mind is a raging torrent, flooded with rivulets of thought, cascading into a waterfall of creative alternatives. Plus, Burnsaber talked me into it. This is all your fault!

People should just learn to create test games on their own to answer their questions... Didn't you want to write a Wiki article about this?
Originally Posted by Calahan
It is the latter case which I believe lch was actually referring to when talking about the slaves receiving buffs. And he only phrased it in a confusing way like he did to improve his love life. But ha ha, you failed lch, the race is still on, and you've gained nothing! Try again my friend 
My love life is prospering and fulfilled, I'd say, and Maude is nodding and gnawing in agreement.