Originally Posted by Meglobob
You got off easy, you had the word, 'third', well we got, 'all'.
I went with every "third", because Raging hearts is a serious lockdown event and it is nastier to get a lot of stuff happen in single turn than having those events spread out on several turns.
(I origiginally had "Baneful Star" as the remote attack for UW provinces, but apparently that spell cannot be casted in UW provs! Apparently you can see "Light of the Northern Star" UW, but not a star that is baneful..)
Originally Posted by Meglobob
Nice to see beckoning and melancholy, even when I am the target! You normally never see those spells as no half decent player would ever cast them. Cost far too much in gems for the effect.
Yeah, that is one of the advantages of being a GM. I can't win, so I don't need to minmax everything and can use those "forgotten" items and effects that are just not competetive. The whole ordeal of the "Sing of the Slumbering Elders" was just made so that I could show out the effect of a "Imprint Souls" with a octobless. When making Aramiel, it was cool that I didn't have to optimize him in any way. I just slapped stuff on him that made "thematic" sense.
I have devised a mechanic for LOII that rewards players for using forgotten/unoptimal stuff. You could for example get a boon by casting GoR on a Troll Moose Knight (for example) and thugging him out.