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Old June 4th, 2010, 04:54 AM

Zeldor Zeldor is offline
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Default Re: Preponderance 2 [epic team game returns! join now!] - just 3 spots left

We may have a teammate for namad too. So if I get confirmation from him [and namad] + word from Alpine Joe about teaming with ghoul, we can consider the game closed.

Also, I can make rules official:
- anonymous, no diplomacy
- nations by points
- you need 10/26 VPs to win, as a team
- Ironhawk will be game admin, I will try to get someone to help too

I will tweak the map during weekend, please send any feedback you can, especially on garrisons leading to plains. Calahan found some missing terrain tags, I will fix those too.

You can start picking nations. Remember the rules:
- you pick 3 sets, starting from the one you want most
- try to not repeat nations much in those picks
- if there are ties [even for 1 nation, not whole teams], team with least points total wins
- you can spend 10 points, there is no award for spending less, except winning ties
- same-point ties will be resolved by game admin, with a goal to make everyone as happy as possible [so looking at other choices too]
- you MAY get 11 points to spend on remaining nations if you don't get any of your 3 choices
- remember: Fomoria, LA Marignon, LA Atlantis have revealed starting position, everyone will know where you and your teammate start

Mods - we will use following:
- CBM 1.6
- Endgame Diversity Mod, new version [released yesterday]
- Streamers & Standards
- Single Age Complete
- Banned Spells [small mod banning AN, AC, BoT, Ut] [if you want to have Forge banned too, it's good time to say so now]

LA Agartha guide
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