Originally Posted by Gregstrom
It'd certainly be interesting (try looking at llamabeast's Lizardmen mod, btw - I think something similar happens there). My first thought was that their item slots would need a degree of rearranging, as letting them wear boots or armour would give them access to Trample if they were GoRed (3 spearmen trampling a Cyclops, anyone?). They'd need a lot of ambidex too, I guess. 15 or more, thinking about it...
Ambidex is probably key, but GoR is probably not a big deal here. It would be a huge waste after all, and with the shield guys it even kind of makes sense.
As for multiple blocks, I was considering low health-form shift, to a smaller size, but the issue is that breaks the lines, rather than having them filled in by someone else, which makes little sense.