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Old June 8th, 2010, 05:37 AM

Valerius Valerius is offline
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Default Re: Endgame Diversity Mod - Lategame summons, released at last!

Originally Posted by Squirrelloid View Post
Why mistform? It absorbs only one hit before popping because both sides have magic weapons.
True, and I have sometimes gone without it when facing troops with magic weapons. But in a 1 vs. 1 situation I'd be inclined to use it. 15 HP doesn't leave much margin for error and mistform can save you from that first hit that the RNG rolls huge damage for. So it was more for the benefit of the Sidhe Lord than the Shishi.

The other thing is of course that I have both parties waiting 5 rounds before attacking and attacking without fatigue. I did try a test where I had the Shishi cast Flight and immediately attack. This disrupted the Sidhe Lord/Tuatha's (not sure which it was) buff routine and caused damage several times but the Shishi still lost. I was kind of surprised at that.
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