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Old June 8th, 2010, 10:39 AM

thejeff thejeff is offline
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Default Re: Official Vanilla vs CBM debate thread

Originally Posted by Gandalf Parker View Post
Many people love CBm. Most of the challenge king-of-the-hill style games here use CBm

What is there to debate?
Obviously, quite a bit or people wouldn't be doing do.

More seriously, I'm not quite sure what you mean by "challenge king-of-the-hill style games"? King-of-the-hill, I assume, means non-team MP games? The basic style that the game's victory conditions support? And all of the variants of that, random nations, no diplomacy etc.
Are team games more often played with vanilla?

I have no idea what "challenge" means in this context.

Newbie games are more often vanilla. Is that what you mean by challenge?

Is there another style of MP game more often played with vanilla?
Aren't "challenge king-of-the-hill style games" the vast majority of games here? And probably of MP games in general, though I'd assume games not organized here or on the new forums would be less likely to use CBM, due to lack of exposure if nothing else.
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