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.com.unity Forums - View Single Post - Official Vanilla vs CBM debate thread
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Old June 8th, 2010, 11:18 AM
Squirrelloid Squirrelloid is offline
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Default Re: Official Vanilla vs CBM debate thread

Originally Posted by Gandalf Parker View Post
Originally Posted by Squirrelloid View Post
Gandalf calls it upon himself by making claims that are totally out of line with reality. Seriously: [paraphrase] '[Vanilla] frost fathers are one of the few chasses that can take a triple 9 bless, and have points to spare.' Just blatantly false by inspection.
Wow. Well trained.
You might mention this was in response to your challenge to find a purpose for the Frost Father in vanilla dom3. It wasnt the rarity I was pointing out, but the use.
Gandalf's Original Quote: "But I meant Frost Father. He is one of the few that can get 3x9 plus some left over (if you want to pay for it). And of the ones that could get there, he had some other features that could be worked to his advantage over the other choices."

From here. Emphasis added by me.

My specific response which addresses the veracity of the claim can be found here.

Note the following:
1) Gandalf claims he is one of the _few_ that can do it. Literally half the pretenders in the game (minimum!) can do it as well or *better*. (See my response for a brief listing)
2) Gandalf claims there is "some left over", i presume points. There are no points left over in any meaningful sense, you need to take 12 net negative scales and be imprisoned to do this, and you only have dom 5 at that point. Note that there's only 6 more scales left to sack, and most people aren't going to ever play worse than T3S3H3D3L3M1, which is only 8 negative scales.
3)Gandalf claims 'other features' that could be 'worked to his advantage'. See my response for disproof of this claim as well - you can do at least as well with titan chasses or better 3x9 bless suites.

Basically, Frost Father may be the worst possible chassis for a 3x9 bless who can do it with *only* imprisoned and -12 net scales or better. I mean, I won't deny some chasses can't do it even at that level of awful. But if you set that as your baseline for acceptable, nothing I've found is *worse* than the frost father. That makes it hard to claim a 3x9 bless as either a purpose or a use for the frost father, since no one is actually going to use him in such a way because he's so bad at it, disproving Gandalf's new claim on face.
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