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Old June 9th, 2010, 06:41 AM
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Default Re: Official Vanilla vs CBM debate thread

Well, there was/is a mod around that changes the tart costs to some reasonable levels, and you can choose which tartarian to summon (though Monstras and monstrums are still nearly useless). Add in a removal of shattered soul and they would make sense. 12d gems (+gor+healing) for a SC is way too low at the moment, but Shattered soul makes them slightly more reasonable at that low cost. Heck, wraith lords cost 40 gems and most tartarians are better in every sense except being immortal (which requires quite different planning before the game).

I simply prefer CBM over Vanilla because it opens up more midgame and early game options, and overall game quality is very much better (no gemgens, nations more balanced).
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