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Old June 9th, 2010, 04:46 PM

Doo Doo is offline
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Default Looking for Sub, Ermor EA turn 54 Oceans of Land

Hi All

I'm playing as Ermor in the Oceans of Land game and need to drop out because of work commitments. I would never had thought that a game where you have 48 hours to play a turn would still be too much of a commitment, what this tells me is I need to retire

Ermor is in an ok place at turn 54. Not at the top but not at the bottom, I'd say in the middle for most things but surprisingly slightly better in income and gems. Its definitely NOT a losing position, you won't be required to bring a dead empire back to life.

Anyone willing to take over from me will need to be able to follow on with my existing diplomacy, I wouldn't think it fair to do otherwise.

Its an exciting part of the game because a clear leader has been established and thus a target painted.


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