I know this is a very old thread (a very good thread mind you) but I have a correction to make
Originally Posted by Micah
The formula for missiles landing against shielded units overstates the protection that shields provide. p77
I've tested the manual formula and my tests indicate it is 100% correct and does not overstate the protection shields provide (and also that shield protection has nothing to do with parrying missiles contrary to other claims in this thread; it's all or nothing for missile parry). Keep in mind the manual formula uses total size in square, which is different from the unit's size. As in three size 2 units in the same square will each have a total size of 6 in the formula. This is in addition to a full square being more likely to have an arrow land on someone than a half-empty square.
Attached are the test files, including a map and a mod, if anyone wishes to try for themselves: