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Old June 14th, 2010, 12:16 AM
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Default Re: Preponderance 2 [epic team game returns!]


This fits into our plans perfectly. Perfectly!

None will be able to stand against us.

A lot fewer rainbows than I'd expected.

Lessee, we got a lot of love for monkey summons:
LA Patala / LA Marig (8) - weak in death (summons fix that)
LA Ulm / Bandar Log (10) - weak in fire *and* air
However, neither of these teams is going to survive long enough to use them. Just because you *can* make a team to hand blood slaves over for monkey summons, doesn't mean you *should*.

Three very lopsided teams:
Lanka / EA Agartha (10) - weak in ASTRAL! Oh, the hillarity.
MA Man / EA Mict (10) - weak in earth.
Saur / Machaka (10) - weak in air
Their assymetry will be their downfall. Except Lanka / EA Agartha which spent all their points for the privelege of having "victim" stenciled on their head in magic marker, which they can't see because they don't have astral.

Just plain mysterious:
EA Arco / EA C'tis (8) - This is not the 8 bid I would've expected. Must've really wanted this combo.... for SIRRUSH! That's the evil plan. Weak in blood.
MA Arco / Kailasa (9) - I agree that Kailasa is a bargain at 4, but why not make a good team? Will probably put Arco in the middle thinking that elephants will help somehow. Weak in blood, air and death.
MA TC / MA Marig (9) - Weak in death and blood. Plans to somehow conquer the world with crossbowmen.
MA Aby / MA Jot (11) - has 11 points to spend and *still* weak in earth and air. That's an achievement.
Probably one of these randomly generated pairings will luck out and win. Or all four teams will be in smoking ruins by turn 20.

Finally, we come to the actually good teams:
MA Pythium / Shinuyama (11) Now *that* is what you spend 11 points on. Weak only in blood, powerful military for quick early expansion, plenty of research potential.
EA Yomi / LA Abysia (10) Weak in air and water. Strong in crushing you. With a strong researcher like LA Abysia backing them up, double-bless Dai Oni become fearsome indeed.
LA Utgard / LA Bogarus (9) Weak only in earth. How the hell did Bogarus get priced at 3 in a team game? My prediction - will put Bogarus towards the plains, just to totally blow our minds; also, to kill us all with thunderstrike communions while Utgard heads for demon lords or something without interference.
If you read his speech at Rice, all his arguments for going to the moon work equally well as arguments for blowing up the moon, sending cloned dinosaurs into space, or constructing a towering *****-shaped obelisk on Mars. --Randall Munroe
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