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Old June 15th, 2010, 04:03 AM

Finalgenesis Finalgenesis is offline
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Default Re: Various questions

Some new questions on movement phase (I've read P.71 manual on the phase order already):

1. Do assasination spells (Earth attack / Infernal disease ...etc) happen during assassination phase or magic battle phase?

2. if assa spells occur during magic battle phase, does it come before or after magic battles summons? (Call of the wild, call of the wind, infernal horde, summon horror ...etc)

3. If you cloud trapeze / teleport / astral travel into an enemy province, I assume they enter magic battle phase or can it join your mundane battle? If you had some summon horror spells on the same province would those unit fight in the same instance?

4. Stealth units attacking the province its in, if there are both ritual summon attacks and mundane army attack, the stealth unit will join the magic battle? I understand that stealth units join mundane battle phase if there is no magic battle?
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