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Old June 17th, 2010, 06:30 AM

Doo Doo is offline
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Default Re: EA Oceans of Land - (Noob game) [running]

I was Ermor and just subbed out...

I didn't mindhunt you Sauro. I tried to be as confusing to you as possible when you asked me outright. I had no border with you so I thought it doesn't matter if you suspected it was me, and if this suspicion kept some of the heat off the supposed allies in the "war" against you more the better.

Ermor was involved in the destruction of C'tis. Ermor was cheeky towards Tien Chi and ate humble pie by being slowly pushed back by Tien Chi.

Ermor had an alliance with Yomi that was honored.

If I were to play MP again anytime soon I would have no hesitation in playing with any of you again, I had a very good time except for the "end game" where real life sucked my energy levels. I kinda feel bad that I didn't stick with it for a little longer to this ending.
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