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Old June 17th, 2010, 04:29 PM

chrispedersen chrispedersen is offline
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Default Re: EA Arco - uncle moneybags

Originally Posted by Ferrosol View Post
Originally Posted by chrispedersen View Post
Lord of rebirth. Gives you death access, and after you research alteration makes a perfectly fine Sc.
If you take him sleeping then sure he is a decent expander. but that still leaves the question of what do you use for your year one expansion?
I'd like to echo ano's comments. I believe I was the first one - but I absolutely say the *best* unit in arco's repetoire is by far the chariot archers.

I cannot begin to say how good these units are. Ok, they aren't jag warriors. But they are hands down a great unit. Whats not to like with a cheap trampling unit with two forms? And with the special targeting options that archers get?

Now, as for sleeping or awake. A lot of people like the PoD - and he's a perfectly ok choice. However I like the Lord of Rebirth better. He generates an insane amount of gems, and provides fast access for dwarf hammers, and death path access.

As for 'you can't use him awake..'

you have to be careful with him. However, once you get earth meld you're golden. earth meld is 100 research points. And if you go with a proper arco build, each researcher is 10-12 rp (going from memory). Assuming its 10 this means that you have
100 rp on turn 5.

The question therefore becomes is 4 turns of expansion with your pretender in year one, worth the sacrifice in design points.

Personally, I can't think of anything else to do with the points, so I usually answer yes.

Now like I said, you need to be careful with him. you have to script something like:

Stoneskin, earthmeld, earthmeld, earthmeld, earthmeld. If you dont' script the earth meld.. he'll cast stupid stones.. and die.

So you accompany him with lots of cheap troops.. cardaces, or even slingers. Chariot archers.

You have to move him forward, or back, depending on the opposition he's facing. You want him close enough to have good precision on the meld, and far enough back he doesn't get mobbed.

But as I just scripted.. he binds up any opposing troops, and they run over them.
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