Originally Posted by Rytek
Originally Posted by Peacekeeper
Hey guys, its been a great game and a lot of fun for me but im going to be going out of town this weekend and wont be able to play my turns. Having only 1 province left for the last 15 turns or so i dont want to force a sub to play from the position. Id like to just let Shinuyama finish me off instead of saddling someone with the slot, is that ok with everyone?
You have done a fine job of playing to the end. All players should be like you, at last alot of them are not. Going AI now is reasonalble. You have made Shin choke on the Abysia bone long enough. Find another game and good luck with it. All of us, (even Shin) apreciates you staying for as long as you did.
ill stale for a turn and hopefully be back for the one after to keep giving him hell. I realized that all my turns have consisted of is checking my nation messages and ending my turn anyway.