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Old June 18th, 2010, 08:12 AM
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Default Re: EA Arco - uncle moneybags

I'm aware that candle removal is dependent upon the number of candles.

I recruit chariot archers in the beginning because they have a lower resource cost. Putting them on hold and attack causes them to fire arrow volleys for 2 turns and then advance and trample.

After I have sufficient resources, I switch to regular chariots since they have a lower cost and upkeep.

If you don't use skeptics to contain your dominion, then what does this mean?
The phoenix is one of my favorite pretenders in CBM. However, it is not especially effective for arco. The phoenix does best with a high dominion score - which wastes the effects of skeptics - or at least requires you to spend design points that sceptics otherwise mitigates.
Having high dominion makes dominion spread take a little longer, and it means that once you get dominion into a province you can make it very difficult to remove it. I like having high dominion with skeptics, but if you just take the Phoenix' base dominion, her cheap 50 point design point cost is still worthwhile considering the immortality and free Phoenix Pyre.
"Let your plans be dark and as impenetratable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt." -- Sun Tzu
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