The Ordeal for Turn 66: Armageddon
Originally Posted by The Pantokrator
I can feel it calling. The pure potential that lies in the deep space, the potential of creation. I long for the new glorious realm that I will create. I have begun to wonder if any of you have what it takes to rule this realm.
It would be so easy for me to just destroy this old land and then focus my efforts elsewhere. But I'll give you pretenders a chance to convince me otherwise. Show me your faith in this contest!
On turn 70, I will wish for "armageddon", unless at least one the following criteria are met:
1) I have received sacrifices totalling over 3000 gold
2) I have received sacrifices totalling over 125 gems (2 blood slaves = 1 gem)
If the armageddon is prevented, the person who sent the most stuff (in the "winning" category) earns a boon to their total.
Also, instead of reguesting a boon for this ordeal, you can "plea" to Pantokrator to not to destroy this realm. Doing so cuts the total amounts of gold and gems required %-equal to the amount of boons you have left. This does not cost a boon, just one opportunity to use them. (so, if you have 4 boons left, "pleading" will cut the requirements in gems and gold by 4%)
Also note that giving gems has no effect on the gold requirement and vice versa. You all can (theoretically) send 2999 gold and 124 gems and fail.