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Old June 21st, 2010, 07:03 AM

Dimaz Dimaz is offline
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Default Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness. Closed - map selection underway.

It's hard to raid water due to 1) horrors keep turning them to indy 2) demonic raiders are too vulnerable and so not cost-effective. I hoped for better performance of servants, seems I underestimated your horror&MH-spamming capability. I don't think I'll be able to keep the water without raiding capability of your level and without SB mages it seems hard to achieve.
Storm demons are good but it's not possible to use them alone as any L immune thing kills them, so they can't be used as raider or even anti-raiders, too. They are great as army support, however. The best archers in the game, probably.
Spamming horrors and manifestations may seem not so effective because I already had this scenario in other games and know how to counter it. However, this increses MM to hell levels, as I have to review every order for every commander several times a turn and invent strange order sequences to be able to deal with manifestations and army buffs/thugging at the same time. Most annoying.
Overall, unless Pan has some really good ideas, I think the game is decided already. Still, it's fun for me so I continue.
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