Re: Luck/Turmoil versus Nothing.
From a design point of view, I would think that a diminishing effect on event frequency for additional province to be a reasonable design decision, along with some sort of cap. It looks like the event gen mechanic doesn't check for event province by province, but perhaps roll for whether an event happens, then roll where it occurs among your provinces, then select events up or down the event list base on local luck. The formula itself will probably account for province number as a factor in a diminishing formula, e.g. 4 rolls of "Occurence = 10% + (10% * (x/x+1))" where X is the # of province your have (disclaimer: this is not meant to guesstimate the actual formula, but show how a cap of 19.9999% event occurence in 4 checks might be implemented, along with adding in province # as a dimishing factor, the cap can easily be changed to other percentage).
It is also a reasonable mechanic for event gen formula may also make a 1st event more likely to occur then a 2nd event, though Squirreloid's testing seem to refute this.
Linear relationshop between event frequency and province # wouldn't make sense (Also refuted by thejeff's data, though more sample population would help as 10 turns of data is a bit low, it does however, show that something unintuitive is going on with event generation though)? We know that province # is likely factor from Squirreloid's test I think, as we do see a lot more then 36% event when we had more provinces, also Squirreloid have tested this for quite a few turns, so turn progression may not influence event chance (at least for a solo province). What other factor can account for thejeff's data where the event chance seem to pick up with no change in province #?
For your test, was your dominion spread covering all your provinces? Or was it just spreading out from capital? Or maybe turn # is a factor when there are mutliple provinces... Thanks for your testing data too thejeff, very handy.
Last edited by Finalgenesis; June 22nd, 2010 at 10:16 PM..