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Old June 23rd, 2010, 01:45 PM
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Gandalf Parker Gandalf Parker is offline
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Default Re: Dom3Minions RandomMaps (again)

I think I know the one you mean, and its actually based on SemiRand which is a more extensive program to do the same thing.

That is on the list as a possibility. For now the maps are more of a "starting point" for others to take one they like and do the many things (that included) to make it more interesting than just another random map.

But if you are interested... I do have two maps that are randomized daily. The Aran_Dom map which uses the Aran map that comes with the game is run thru SemiRand daily, and the Poke-in-the-Eye map which uses the Eye map that comes with the game and is Chaoticized daily. Both can be found here....
Feel free to download them and play them. And if you play it enough to start knowing where everything is then just download it again to get a new version.
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