Re: Luck/Turmoil versus Nothing.
So again, with the same nations, same cbm and the same luck scales 0 0 -3 +3
this time I added +3 order to all nations.
Strong results, again. Over 50 turns:
6,3,26,28 luck events
So the order cancelled out luck, even though luck was suppsed to have a stronger effect.
Personally considering how JK did % chances on magic paths, I feel sure that the addition or subtraction of chance is just added or subtracted from the base chance.
It seems to me, that this give us the base for testing.
Write a mod such that you increase the effect of order until such time as you no longer get any events.
However if you start with p=20, and then deduct 15 for order you'd get about 1/4 the events.
likewise with p=20 and o order +3/-3 luck would give a 41% luck chance - slightly more than doubling.
I again noticed fewer events in the start.