Thread: Arcane Nexus
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Old June 24th, 2010, 06:26 PM

thejeff thejeff is offline
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Default Re: Arcane Nexus

The manual text has "collects one quarter of all gems", the spell text in the game says half.

I did a quick test with the Debug Mod.
Casting Sea of Ice with 150 Water gems total the same turn the Nexus went up earned me 38 gems.
Having another nation cast Well of Misery with 200 total D gems the next turn got 52 gems.

I'm not sure where the extra 2 came from, though the game text does say "absorb some ambient magical energy", but it looks much more like a quarter than a half.

If you want to reconcile the description, assume it collects half the gems, then converts them to Astral pearls through alchemy, cutting them in half again.

Even at a quarter it's a game winner. In a decent size game, you'll have enough gems after a turn or two to cast it again at or near max. Meanwhile everyone else is crippled because they don't want to give you gems.
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