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Old June 25th, 2010, 04:33 AM
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Clap Re: STACKERS, newbie game, (started)

I repeat that the biggest threat is Rlyeh, and it's not the first time i say it !

- Do we want to cooperate (hard exercise for newbs) and try to dispel and make game more difficult for Rlyeh ?

- have you seen the scores ?
Rlyeh research = 9382 the 2nd 4558...
Rlyeh gems = 129 + 22 + Clams... let say 160 gems at least

I think that we are newbs and we don't like :

- players with a good sense of communication as Blackguard (he plays right, and he succeeds to influence players and makes an efficient propaganda)

- to face an event that changes our SP way of play... (stopping our personnal goals, pausing wars, define in emergency a global goal and plan coordonated actions, grouping ressources with old foes etc...)

Maybe we think that MP is just playing SP against other non AI players ?

Once again, it's really fun to play this MP game, thanks again Gandalf
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