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Old June 25th, 2010, 05:19 AM

Amadamus Amadamus is offline
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Default Spells that arguably break the game

I want to pose the idea of removing specific types of spells from the game and would welcome others opinions as to the likely out come of such a removal.

Specifically, the removal of some very powerful and devastating globals, Burden of Time and Astral Corruption for example.

Infact offensive globals in general.

The removal of globals that return gems.

The removal of remote unrest spells.

The removal of assassin spells.

My reason for this is that isn’t it more fun to contest a game of dominion through battle?

I see the clash of vast armies with kitted out thugs, powerful mages and SC’s far more interesting that simply killing them from afar with Mind Hunts and Earth Attack etc. Some nations have assassins – shouldn’t that be an advantage to be leveraged through that nations units? Instead we have a few gem a pop spells spammed at a province removing the best part of a players imaginative efforts and gem and time investments over the last 10 - 15 turns?

Some globals are ridiculous! I’m playing in a newb game now and a Burden of Time has gone up which has more or less decimated my old mages which I have invested so much time and gems into. Just one spell – through no real effort, has effectively put me way behind the 8 ball. I could have handled it no problem if it occurred on the battlefield, but in this case bam all gone. It doesn’t make very engaging game play.

Remote unrest spell spam can shut down castle recruiting and take out capitals – economically damaging to say the least – no cap only recruiting… does this really represent strategic gaming or is it just a mundane exploit?

The point is, these types of spells require no strategy, no skill – just point and shoot!

What do others think? I just want my units to be bested in battle not in these cheesy no skill manners.
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