Originally Posted by Amadamus
Come Blackguard, you may say your a newb now, but you certainly come across as a know it all. Can't have your cake and eat it too mate.
there's a very big difference between gaining knowledge via reading the forums, wiki, chatting on IRC, etc and actual game experience. it seems to you that I'm a "know it all" simply because I've been doing
a lot of the above. however my in game experience is still very very small, which is what makes me a newbie still. I haven't been around for too long, only a couple of months, and considering this game is already 3+ years old and there was also Dom1 and Dom2 which were similar so also give pretty good in game experience, than I definitely qualify as a newbie...
The point is, you have sat in your own personal lake amassed such a huge quantity of gems, clammed your *** off and now put up a global which effectly craps out the game. How many gems did you put in it eh?
yes, I've been sitting in my own personal lake,
but I also can't leave it very easily. look at Ashdod and C'tis, both of them have grown much much larger than myself, and will soon catch up in gem income as well(no idea why they haven't done so already...) and well, this is vanilla so why not use clams...? everyone can do it, you don't need a lake for it, so I really don't see the problem...
now, please, Burden of Time is
not 1 of those game winning globals! these include: Arcane Nexus, Astral Corruption(for blood nations), Forge of the Ancients, maybe Utterdark(for the right nations) and that's pretty much it I think. Burden of Time is simply annoying, for some nations more than others. some nations like C'tis shouldn't even feel it, perhaps a few afflictions here and there but certainly nothing serious... others feel it a bit more, but even than, there are ways to defend against it, if you're not adapting to the situation and coming up with the counters than it's your fault and your fault alone...
You deserve to get smashed by all nations - but the map doesnt allow for it. So in essence, you have effectively won. The land nations are two busy fighting it out - no possibility of getting a coalition in the ocean and the minute its dispelled you can put it up again! So whats the point continuing?
first of all, why do I "deserve to get smashed"? Burden of Time is not 1 of those game winning globals that I've mentioned above... second of all, if you still want to get me smashed than you guys can still gang bang me. I won't be dumb enough to actually walk you through it step by step, but it can be done with some effort... third of all, it's part of my position UW, it's hard for me to move out and hard for you guys to move in. it's not all white like you're trying to make it seem, heck if C'tis keeps on growing he'll be too large for even me to contain, than you'll stop whining about me and watch C'tis take over the game...
By the way Verj, blood boots dont help - lost some key warlocks teh rest have ammased a huge amount of afflictions to be useless even waring boots.
blood boots keeps them from dying, afflictions can be taken care of by other means... seriously, if you don't even try to put an effort to adapt to the situation at hand than stop whining about all the strategic choices in dom3 going down the drain due to Burden of Time!
My grumble is the whole development of the game, the subtle strategy, the wit, has effetively been rubbed out by one cheesey spell. As i said what a bore. If that counts for a winning move, then good for you - good for any one that uses it - but the spell should be called 'Waist of Time', becasue thats what it presently feels like.
think I've just commented on this above. a major part of any strategy game is the ability to adapt! I'm still so far from winning the game that it's not even funny... it's simply your lack of understanding Burden of Time and your lack of wits to actually put an effort to adapt to the situation that creates this very black picture for you. try to think outside of your little box for a moment and suddenly you'll see a lot of brightness!