Originally Posted by Amadamus
Look for sure it can be countered - but look at the micro involved to have to do that.
Manuvere a sneeky thug into a prime spot attack the province - win - mind hunt - dead. It is not always possible to have an astral unit on hand - especially Tir who dont have astral.
If you are a non astral nation up against an astral one, then you will be mind hunted to hell. And besides mind hunt, what about Earth Attack? Not very easy to counter that one - devastating spell.
These spells just seem like an intrusion upon the game whereby the finese of the strategy gives way to uninspired heavy handed drugery. Being forced to counter said effects (and indeed some times it cant be countered), introduces extra micro that doesnt enhance the experience at all.
Your sneaky thug ignores Earth Attack. He also ignores teleporting other thugs/mage teams on top of him. And maneuvering him into place usually involves casting Cloud Trapeze, at least for Tir/Vanheim. Fighting someone with with stealthy, teleporting, recruitable thugs is really hard if you don't have the same. You can raid with your own thugs, but if they aren't stealthy they're vulnerable to teleporting attack squads, which means you're losing yours faster than he is.
Mind Hunt is one of the few actual counters that works on hiding commanders. It requires spamming to be effective, assuming thugs have decent mr, which means many high S mages, probably using boosters and/or penetration items. And the risk of teleporting a S mage in to feeblemind the hunters.
It's a raiding counter. That's all mind hunt is really for. By mid game it's not really hard for even non-Astral nations to have an astral mage or 2 (or domes) in every research center/castle and send them out with major armies.
If you get it early and spam it on an unprepared enemy, you can do serious damage, but that's true of many things.