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Old June 26th, 2010, 01:52 AM
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Default Re: Spells that arguably break the game

Originally Posted by Gandalf Parker View Post
The "arguably" was well placed in the subject.
I have seen complaints that the late game is decided more by magic than by armies, but I think that is on purpose. There are plenty of games available which are decided by armies. So I wouldnt want to see the game changed that way for everyone.

However, Im not against it as an option (which it is). I can see the idea that it would be fun to see a Dom3 game settled by armies. There have been some dom3 games which did that. There is a setting to make research difficult. And various mods for cutting out spells. In fact, the developers did create two mods. One limits all research to level 6, and another limits all research to level 4. Id be willing to host such a game on if you wanted (for a direct connect game) or you can host it on (for a pbem game).
Damn, those really seem like a cop-out to me Gandalf. Why in the world would anyone play such games?
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