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Old June 27th, 2010, 12:39 PM
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Default Re: David & Goliath - Running noob game

As far as winning the game that way is fine....going into the winners HOF that way is not.

That is a list that should not be decided by 1 battle. We have had 100 turns to find a winner and next turn (if we have one there are a number of suprises from what I understand that will tilt the game back to a even position).

Everyone left in this game should be very proud of themselves for going thru all the player changes, rollbacks, delays, and general problrms that we had. This wasn't a Mega-game, I think we had 12 players in it and we still have 6 left. And don't count Ulm out...he has been sitting there untouched, building away and is a VERY good player.

I personally could care less about winning this game. It has been fun interacting with all of you and getting to do some things I have never done before (both prety neat and pretty dumb!!)

But I don't have it in me to spend 8 hours a turn micro managing it with my wife sick and possibly VERY sick (tests this week...results in 2weeks), but that is real life and we all have to go thru it.

I am only speaking for me and you may feel you have an overwhelming position...but I have been in games that someone has an overwhelming position and this isn't one of them...yet.

Go ahead and advertise for players if you want, I have sent a message to Ulm and Helheim and got Niefls response and feeling on it...since TC is your ally I asked you to PM him and have him post. We have a week, and then we will see what we want to do.
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