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Old June 27th, 2010, 01:42 PM

jfp3 jfp3 is offline
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Default Re: How is "R'lyeh" pronounced?

the "R" is pronounced as in "Grrrrr" with a "lee-yeh" for the ending part.

In addition, the "lee-yeh" part has a kind of "snap" to the ending "yeh" part which is pronounced much as an Aussie would say "Yeah" in normal speech.

So all in all, when spoken correctly, "R'lyeh" has much the same impact on the listener as when one speaks French correctly. You know when you've spoken it with the correct accent -- but you'll be damned if you say it with proper accent and inflexion in front of a Chick you're trying to impress. Unless of course she's French ;-)
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