Re: Domkill : The Power of Faith
domkills are fun, i've actually won a few blitzes that way. mostly (perhaps all) with abysia of various eras.
EA aby does make a ncie dompusher; it has ups and downs compared to pan. it doesn't have easy jade knives; but on the plus side it has some of the games' best pd; and aby is pretty strong defensively, making it much harder for peopel to try to take out your temples.
Taking an awake (yes, awake) blood fountain can allow you to start a dompush very very early in a game (with the 3/turn slaves it gets under cbm), and can rather surprsie people. but this should only be done with a nation that, like aby, can handle early sc gods and other threats entirely with its national troops/mages; or you could take the fountain dormant, and get in time for a good mid-game push.
once you get a bunch of loser troops to patrol, a fountain and hunt yoru capital quite well, and bring in enough slaves to supply an entire early-mid game dompushing force on its own.