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Old June 28th, 2010, 04:58 PM

aaminoff aaminoff is offline
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Default Re: Domkill : The Power of Faith

I'm actually playing EA Arco in an MP game now, with a Dom10 Virtue pretender, partly in order to see if DomKill could be made part of my bag of tricks.

Dom spread without blood sacrifice is nowhere near as efficient. Baalz's Arco guide suggests besieging your enemy's big army in their cap, then rather than assaulting, surrounding them with temples. Sure, but that is just a trick to avoid a last pitched battle.

The trouble is that EA Arco has the firemen (heretics) and the flying 3-candle pretender, but lacks the firehose. This means that I have to track down every enemy candle and actively deal with it, I can't rely on my tidal wave of dominion to flush the small stuff.

Which brings me to my next question: How do you know where your enemy dominion is? My heretics are not good enough spies to always see the enemy dominion they are in. So I have a bunch of them hanging out in my enemy's territory, on the assumption that they are accomplishing something (and in fact their dom graph is going down). How can you see enemy candles?
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