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Old June 28th, 2010, 09:40 PM
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Default Re: David & Goliath - Running noob game

Ossa (Helheim) Pm'd me today and apologized for not being diligent on his turns and the reason why.

It seems work has taken over his life almost 100%. He also asked me to remember (which I had forgotton) that he was a sub and tried to take a nation with a strong Early and mid game build but a pretty bad late game build and run with it.

He also is being run over by micromanagement and is of the opinion that if there is no clear winner by turn 100 then there is no reason to go another 50 turns to MAYBE find a clear winner.

He has asked that he be allowed to retire from the game, and is trying to find a sub. He doesn't believe anyone is going to want to take over the nation at this stage of a heavy investment of time but he will try.

Gentlemen, that leaves everyone accounted for except TC for an opinion.

I see it this way...If he doesn't find a competent sub for Helheim I believe the game will have become unbalanced and it seems the consensus (Niefl, Arco, Ulm, Helheim) that we abandon the game due to exhaustion. even if TC votes to continue (and I have not heard from him either)Then it is 4 to 2 in favor of letting the game die an honorable death.

I want to thank Ossa for taking over Helheim when he did or we would not have got this far.

Don_Pablo for also subbing and doing a FANTASTIC job and a player to look out for.

Agusti for his masterful play at TC and another up and comer.

Xanatos for never wavering in our alliance and taking all the lumps and setbacks he did without complaining and making his nation a viable contender.

Sensori, the quiet one....who just stayed below the radar and continued the game. Who I also believe just a might more powerful than he puts on.

Thank you all, and I hope we will square off agian. I know I enjoyed it and as I said, I got to do some things (good and bad) that I have always wanted to try. Next turn was going to be a strange one I admit. Best leave it there.

If we don't get a sub for Helheim (and I will be seeking one for me also) and in the absence of a strong argument that will sway the others, I will kill the game Monday, until them it is on hold.
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