Re: Q: Is Friendly Fire an issue?
Ouch! I didn't mean to come off like some whiney "lets gut what's worked for so long and change it drastically" noob. Noooo...I wouldn't be so presumptuous. Seriously, I can see both sides to an FF argument in Dominions. Some races getting overpowered with too many archers, and other not building enough to make up for the "New Sheriff in Town". There are also times of desperation when you actually >want< to chance FF in a desperate situation - yada yada yada. But if it ain't broke....
Yeah my sitting in front of a computer all day working, and then playing games like "Dominions" and "EVE" probably "spins my logic/fantasy wheel" pretty hard on a daily basis :-) But if no one has ever said "Please" about an "FF-option-that-doesn't-break-or-unbalance-the-game", well let me step up to the plate and apologize for my fellow impolite logic-bound lunkheads with a "Purty Please". That's of course assuming I'm not the only one who has ever wondered about the FF thing.
Oh and just in case I didn't get a smile out of anyone with that last paragraph...let me suggest the EVE forums for some SERIOUS laughs. The daily evisceration of noobs making feature or gameplay "improvement" suggestions by the "Old Guard" is legendary :-)