Originally Posted by earcaraxe
it would hurt the anonimity principle, i think thats the main reason they havent try to find a replacement.
Standard procedure for RAND games on the llamaserver is usually for the admin to keep the ID of all substitute players to himself until they are either eliminated, or the game finishes. No other way to do it, as the admin log on the llamaserver gives away too much info in RAND games otherwise.
@ Ironhawk - If you've found a new team willing to play then IMO, and if you haven't done so already, give the old team a few hours (few as in 4 at most) to sort themselves out or be given the boot.
And I trust your judgement entirely with regards whether any new team is allowed new nation picks, and/or how much time you allow them to upload Pretenders.
Plus another thanks for the selfless admin work you are doing for us all. As there's no game without you.