Originally Posted by DrPraetorious
Anyway, I have some sympathy, but ghoul31 - if you'd replaced your teammate *yourself*, you'd be fine. I wasn't assigned a teammate, I went and found myself one. And if Calahan had found Jesus or gotten pregnant or become a street-wise trashtalking heroin dealer or whatever it is they do in Great Britain and her overseas dependencies when they self-destruct, I wouldn't have *wanted* to delay the game if there was another team ready to step in and replace me.
Have you been following me Dr.P? Or hired a Private Detective to learn all about me? Since your knowledge of my real life habits, beliefs, chosen career path, and current status is extremely impressive.
Guess I'd better start taking this game serious now then if that is the case, since I'm guessing I won't want to learn the consequences of what happens if I put in a bad performance. So I'll send Jesus out to score my deals from now on, meaning I can sit at home with my baby-bump growing while getting some quality Dominions time in. Let us all Hail the Lord, and seek his forgiveness
I was trying to guess who the missing team were. And it came down to a choice between a team with players I didn't really know (limited choice), or someone being a complete arse (one choice). For the latter, I then had to think "who's well known for being a complete and utter arse?".
Praise Jesus, for it was ghoul being the arse yet again.
@ Trumanator - Our challenge is still on you know, as you have yet to provide any negative examples of non-twattyness from ghoul. While yet another positive example of it can be seen here. I have no doubt the scales will soon be breaking.