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Old July 1st, 2010, 01:40 PM

chrispedersen chrispedersen is offline
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Default Re: Domkill : The Power of Faith

One of the advantages of dom push as a strategy

- you don't need a lot research
- you don't need a lot of military (hence not a lot of upkeep)

If you forfeit research - you can put a *lot* of blood hunters out.

Really, the issue is map size, and whether graphs are turned on, and finally whether opponents have spies out to see whats happening. Yes, I know they can't see dominion - but if a nation *dies* with military units in the field - good evidence of dom push.

I personally do not view most of the summons in the game as cost effective; I usually push a dom strategy as part of a military strategy - the defender is stressed to defend against both. Whichever he fails at you beat him over the head with.
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