Originally Posted by Herode
Hum. Resurrection in heretic lands ? So weird... I will have to cut two or three heads amongst my astrologers for they did not tell me anything about those irrational mysteries.
But this is not the purpose of my presence here.
I am here to claim, Lords and Ladies and Bachelorettes, that War has been declared upon Atlantis.
At last.
Yes ! 't was about foocking time. And y'a know, maybe it is already too late. The True God will give us some signs about our fate soon or late. Anyway, Plotin the Wise said once in his Enneades : "It was not the duty of the Gods to win in place of the peaceful. The Rule is that at war, one gains his people's life and safety through fight, not through prayers" (free translation from your miserable servant, please have mercy for my weaknesses in english  ).
So, Ladies and Lords and Bachelorettes, the point is now that I invite you to join the Holy Crusade Against The Evils Shrimps (or Worse), for They are now so Powerful and Ugly and... well, you know... that we will for sure need help and troops and love (and whisky).
Hence, gifts, allies and any form of effective help on the field are critically welcome.
Do not be shy. Just sign here. It's going to be so fun !
Sincerely Yours,
Herode the Everthirsty, Astrodiplomat of Arcoscephale.
The council of shambling shamblers was struck by the outrageous reports of deliberate attack from Arco without a sign of breaking NAP3 nor declaration of war. With this angering and saddening news, Hatteliar the ugly basalt king have been elected councilor of the new SS by the angry mobs of young foolish atlantians. Our beloved icecream dagon is too diseased and cursed to stop the inevitable says his spokesman the river naiad, "peace and love will no longer be the priorty of the icecreamland, now death and blizzard will play with the land!"
Hatteliar first act coming to power was to employ global policy of human genocide recently annouced by his new icecream truck Goebbols:
1. All humies found in our land will be frozen into cubes and transported to the concentration caves for later undead uses.
2. All humies found outside of ourland will age and die and frozen for later undead uses.
3. All humies that are still not born have a chance to live by crawling out of mother's womb and crawl into the new invention that our beloved Naiad discovered- The Refridgerator. It will turn yuckie humies into icecream loving Atlantians! Mothers of human kind, think of your children and buy them a refridgerator! It's only now 1g if you hand over your husband! Sold in your local caves.
Hattelair has also announced that all races inside the lands other than humans that cannot breath water be tried for witchery and blasphemy. The trial will comprise of 3 step process:
-First, victim needs to submerge underwater without floating for 1 hour to get to second trial.
-Second, you will wear the slave collar and submerge underwater without floating for 1 hour to get to the third trial.
-Finally, you will be inspected by a professional Angakok and be cast Control of Dead(Thau 5) which recently just discovered to vaccinate witchery for eternity.
This news reporter is in grave danger and will not declare his identity and cannot continue to write anymore due to an immediate danger.