Originally Posted by Squirrelloid
Originally Posted by chrispedersen
Originally Posted by Ferrosol
EA Arco can expand reasonably well without an SC true. Although I would argue that SC pretender offers the best "bang for your buck" you can get. I would further point out that if you intend to rely on chariots to expand with (which I agree are excellent btw) you need an awake SC who can attack on Turn 2 to secure the resources you need (especially if you go the typical sloth build for Philosophers). As such I would argue that as the Lord of Rebirth is not capable of turn 2 expansion due to its flimsy Armour and non existent damage. Precisely which awake SC you take is up to you but I would argue that the Cyclops is probably the single most effective SC Pretender in the game.
Under CBM Cyclops is 125 points, and needs awe to safely expand early. That is 295 points more than the lord of rebirth.
An E9 cyclops does not need awe to expand turn 2. Try it before you claim it doesn't work.
I have tried it - many times. Teach your mom to suck eggs =P.
There are a *lot* of indies that will gank a cyclops. Ichies, bandits, crossbows, cav, nightmares, awakened vines, air masters, mandragora.... to name a few.