Originally Posted by chrispedersen
Originally Posted by Squirrelloid
Originally Posted by chrispedersen
Under CBM Cyclops is 125 points, and needs awe to safely expand early. That is 295 points more than the lord of rebirth.
An E9 cyclops does not need awe to expand turn 2. Try it before you claim it doesn't work.
I have tried it - many times. Teach your mom to suck eggs =P.
There are a *lot* of indies that will gank a cyclops. Ichies, bandits, crossbows, cav, nightmares, awakened vines, air masters, mandragora.... to name a few.
Almost all of which you'll see coming. (The small numbers of crossbows or HC that occasionally avoid showing up in scout reports won't end you). And most of which are rare. Are there even crossbow indies in the EA? I mean, most awake SCs have things they can't handle, just don't attack those things.
And those air masters will end just about any standard expansion party or SC. So dying to them is kind of par for the course.