Thread: Blooood...
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Old July 2nd, 2010, 10:47 AM
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Default Blooood...

I usually play Arco as most of you know and am trying to understand a blood nation.

I have picked one and got a little help from chrispederson and a build but my trouble is a couple of easy questions and if there is answers in a blog please let me know.

1. Does Bowl of blood work like any other gem finder? I swear I can't EVER find....)(I'm not sure what I will find)and blood sites.

2. when I blood hunt, is there a way I know a certain mage will do better than another? I have a jade knife and have found 1 province that gave me 3 Slaves and the next turn none.

Last question (let me be lazy please) I NEVER can get it to search monthly for gems unless I do it about 100 times so I quit doing it that way. Got to thinking it might be my old keyboard so I got a nes one and now (sigh), I can't remember if its Shift/Alt or Shift/Control (neither one seems to work on blood bowl). now The way I get it is i hit whatever gem finder I want and then hit Shift/Alt and it picks the province. Van i really be this dumb

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