Thread: Blooood...
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Old July 2nd, 2010, 05:58 PM

chrispedersen chrispedersen is offline
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Default Re: Blooood...


there are three checks involved in blood hunting. Keldron mentioned one.

Population / 50 as a % is another. so 5000 people you will always pass this check.

finally, the last check is:

If you succeed at a check you have an unrest/4%chance of losing it due to unrest.

So, keep your unrest low, use as high a blood hunter as you can, in a population of 5000.

As someone else responded - blood sites are much lower in frequency than other sites. personally, I never bother casting
bowl of blood.

Off the top of my head almost all the common blood sites do not give you blood - they give you gems. Additionally one of the more common blood sites just incites unrests and gives you villains.

But if you review the blood sites on edi's database, you will find it instructive.

OH. One other thing: Your blood income is tied to magic site frequency as well. Ie., you earn less LA than you do Ea.
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