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Old July 3rd, 2010, 11:06 AM

Finalgenesis Finalgenesis is offline
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Default Re: Luck/Turmoil versus Nothing.

Thanks for the data TJ

Oh here's a Void summon data for Ryleth lovers, (definitely not enough turns to conclude on anything):

MA Ryleth over 30 turns
a) only summoner(3) is used, priest replaced on lvlup
b) Summon begins on 3rd turn
test 1: 1 order 3 luck 3 magic 3 growth 3 cold
test 2: 3 hot, all other baseline

Test 1: 8 success, 15 spawns total
Test 2: 7 success, 11 spawns total

I can post spawn types on request.

Quality of spawn shows no correlation, all over the place. High summon skill seems to be most important in determining quality. Scales don't seem to have a noticable impact on void summon base on this tiny testing population.
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