Re: Defending Rushes, a primer on avoiding the awake SC pretender
Would you recommend that also for ND games?
EDIT: While I generally agree with the sentiment of behind your suggestion I did personally lose early wars in RAND game due to lack of awake SC and I have won or survived early wars due to having an awake SC.
Some nations need that awake SC. Others, that can make a big difference with some research are well suited for awake RB/Research pretender.
EA Caelum comes to mind but not the only one on the list.
The best awake SCs IMO are either pathless Wyrm (to help with early expansion - with graphs on high province count is best deterrent to rush) or an immortal like risen oracle (E+A paths so he remains useful till endgame).
In LAND RAND I didn't stand a chance as Machaka due to taking sleeping master lich (for endgame S+D) then being invaded by Van (check, I handled that threat and almost killed the aggresor when) also invaded by the jag warriors of Zeldor.
The point is, the awake SC wouldn't have made a difference at that stage but:
Awake SC -> great early expansion, maybe conquer a weak target -> Zeldor attacks a target that is perceived weaker.
YARG is the opposite example. I got Bogarus. Took an awake Wyrm. Had a great start only botched by a stupid, needles war that neither side wanted with LA Ctis.
Last edited by WraithLord; July 4th, 2010 at 10:17 AM..