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Old July 8th, 2010, 09:03 PM
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Default Re: MA Man - Making the best of a bad deal

I also wanted to mention... I don't have much use for monks in terms of stealth preaching since they're only H1. That means 30% - 5%/candle which means that they cannot harm any dominion 6 candles or stronger and are abysmal against even small dominions..

They are, however, stealthy and can be used to bless Wardens in the field if your pretender is set up for a bless.

Now, I will say this...

Man can use a bless strategy. Wardens are not their only blessable unit. Cu Sidhe and Barghests are also sacred and can be easily massed. The former can be summoned by most Mothers of Avalon and the latter by staff-wielding revenants summoned by your pretender. Both are quite nice and Cu Sidhe, being summoned with nature gems, are easy to mass especially since Man can take the Mother Oak very early in the game provided Oceania or Pangaea is not involved. This, in fact, is going to be the subject of my next Man experiment...

Man... Blessed?
"Let your plans be dark and as impenetratable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt." -- Sun Tzu
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