Originally Posted by thejeff
What happened to the community? Not much really.
A bunch of people got upset and left. A bunch more stayed. The forums are still active, games are still being organized, new people still show up.
There's a new site. There's cross-pollination between the two. The other site seems fairly hostile to newbies, which isn't good for it's long-term health, but this place is welcoming so maybe they'll pick up people who learn a bit here first.
The usual predictions of doom seem overblown.
Okay, so this just aint true.
Being an unrepentant newbie, I can speak with authority on the tone of the 'other site', as you dub it. If I have a Dom question, my first tool is the search function here, followed by a trip to the wiki. If that doesn't answer my question, I re-assess and re-examine. If I still don't know, I assume that I have a flawed precept, start from first principles and repeat the above. If I still don't know? Then I ask, and I feel that I would get a good answer, nearly without needling.
Now, if I just got confused and asked every question that came to mind? I'd catch hell.
And I should. Getting spoon-fed answers only annoys people with more knowledge and prevents me from learning.
I think that's the big difference between the 'other site' and this. This forum is, more or less, a bouncy ball castle full of child-like fun and unencumbered whimsy, whereas the other site is a boxing club. Go there as you like, but be unprepared, be foolhardy, and you may just get a fat lip.