Just tying up some loose ends:
Originally Posted by Lingchih
I would go back to the Noobs vs. Vets format. Noobs and vets is woosy.
Of course, Sept would have to be a vet now.
Thanks for your input Ling. The NvV format can be a viable format, and I know many vets feel more comfortable playing with players of the same experience level (and of course love smiting noobs!). The format did have some issues though, such as finding a correct ratio between the numbers of vets and noobs on each team (and some communication problems with the large teams). Balancing the natural advantage vets have in a matchup between noobs is difficult at best. My solution was to use a 2 noobs to 1 vet ratio, but considering the vets got beat in 2 out of 3 games, a lower ratio might be needed. Even a 1.5:1 or 1:1 ratio has so many other variables (player experience, skill, map setup) to balance, it can be a devilish job. But I support anyone who wants to try it.
I have actually been asking Rdonj to admin a NvV reunion game, where former noobs face off against their old nemesis' to prove their worth. Still be unbalanced experience wise, but not as bad.
Considering the divisiveness that already exists/has existed in the community between various factions, the good thing about NaV, is it brings both experienced players and noobs together, to work and play together.
I certainly am not a vet yet. An intermediate at best.
Originally Posted by AlgaeNymph
How about noobs vs intermediates vs vets? I'm not a noob but I still don't see myself as a vet.
Sounds like a fun and certainly a possible idea. Again, the challenge will be balancing the experience gap.
Originally Posted by ano
Many thanks, Septimius, for the game organization. It was a cool idea but, sadly, there were some obstacles that prevented this game from being really fun and exciting.
Well the greatest obstacle in my opinion was the loss of the Sanguinarium team, as the game was designed for 4 human teams. Still we did the best we could, decided to press on, and I think had at least an overall enjoyable game, and certainly learned a great deal.
As for the AI, it will be tweaked in game 3. It will be more evil in other ways, but PD, production capacity, and starting armies will be reduced (no more mammoths). It will still play an important strategic role, but not to the extent it did in game 3. The combination of the indy player and the bonuses the teams will have, should not make this an issue.
I am looking forward to reading Ano's team forum (though the turn threads appear to be in the Cyrillic alphabet). I had actually gotten tired of C'tis sitting back and sipping cool drinks while we fought hordes of AI Man, so I devised a plot to force them into a fight with the AI. Too bad we did'nt go through with it.

You can read about it here:
Originally Posted by chrispedersen
Can we kill the archives....
Sorry Chris, I had assumed since I heard no objections, that the archiving would be OK. If you prefer I not archive your teams forums, I can remove it or give you a chance to edit it before making it public. I would like a chance to read it first though.

I think in the long run though, the overall benefits outweight the negatives.